Cracking the Features & Common of the Low-Code Development Approach and More!!!

“By 2025, 70% of new applications dveloped by enterprises will use low-code or no-code technologies,

According to Gartner, “By 2025, 70% of new applications developed by enterprises will use low-code or no-code technologies, up from less than 25% in 2020.”

Low code development is not a novel idea. It’s been around for some time but there is a growing demand for low-code development solutions that are built in an agile way. The best thing about the low code development tools is their agility, adaptability, and accessibility. They provide superior quality and they can be developed and deployed on a schedule that best fits your project needs.

Whether you want to build a new application or update an existing one, it's always going to be a daunting task. We live in the high-tech days, and who doesn't want to try out the latest technologies? There are tons of options out there on how you can do this.  If you want to get straight to business, automate your processes and get straight to the final result... then low code development is exactly what you need!

According to the survey, more than 80% of the developers are using the low code development approach which is more efficient and faster as compared to other traditional software development approaches. This approach is fast becoming the future of software development. No, let’s read some interesting features of the low-code development approach:

1. Features of Low Code Development

While reading low code approach, low-code development, low-code methods, and low-code platforms, you people might get bored!! So, let’s see what interesting features this low-code platform comprised.

Visual Modeling- includes a wide range of pre-build and pre-defined components that cut down the development time to half as compared to regular or traditional development.

Reusability- the source code and other web services can be reused, which can be used by other applications.

Collaborative tools- it allows collaboration with the help of built-in components, in such a way that one can track the feedback loops, and monitor the amendments, user stories, and messaging which reduces the cost of re-work.

Data integration- using off-the-shelf connectors in low-code development platforms, ensures bi-directional integration with third-party applications. Additionally, it enables customized integration that uses API protocols to get the data. Additionally, it automatically manages database updates, launch workflows, and API protocol structure based on events and pre-existing business rules.

Application lifecycle management- low-code development platforms support all the phases of ADLC that includes ideation, development, testing, deployment, and all operations.

Artificial intelligence has built-in AI capabilities and machine learning models that ensure better UX and correct prediction without the effort of writing code or hiring a data scientist for that.

Hybrid options for both developers and end-users- it provides the innovative feature of a two-way build process that both developers and end-users can use a single platform, instead of using two different platforms for both types of users.

Dashboarding/ Business intelligence/ Reporting- a low-code platform offers a read-write capability, along with that, you can connect the business intelligence software and help to generate reports as well. In addition, it also provides a dashboard facility.

Customization & Scalable environment- it somehow also allows customization and provides scalable environments. As LCDP uses pre-defined and built-in components with drag-n-drop services, hence provides developers and other users to customize the generated or existing applications or deploy the new application as well.

Standard languages- as it’s a low code platform or approach, which means no technical coding or high level of programming language is required.

Rapid application development- as it allows abstraction in which most of the repetitive code is hidden which provides the rapid generation of applications as soon as the user desired. In addition, it also allows doing multiple iterations anytime and at any point in the application development lifecycle.

Elimination of shadow IT- since business users can develop their solutions on a low-code platform that has been approved by IT, the use of unapproved software hence decreased.

Effective security & governance- the governance frameworks, authentication techniques, and security frameworks needed for your apps are all provided by low-code platforms, making it easy for an entire organization to handle security.

Citizen development control- it provides the functionality of managing the user permission at certain levels such as application level, row level, user privileges, and developer permissions.


2. Types of applications built via low-code platforms

Low code development provides an ease to developers, especially business people. Why I am saying “Business people”? This is because there is no need for them to hire special developers or data scientists to sit and take the requirements from those business people who wants a website or app for their business purpose. Using these low-code platforms, the business people that are typically non-technical people and don’t even know the ABC of coding and developing, can create their own business applications. We can develop various applications using these platforms such as:

3. Common Challenges

Whether we talk about low-code or no-code development, both differ drastically from the regular or traditional development of code. But, we can’t deny that in this world, everything is perfect, and each and everything comes along with its pros and cons. So as these low-code development platforms.

4. Low code development V/s high-level code development

According to Forrester, a low-code platform can develop any software that is 10 times faster as compared to high-level coding methods. Let’s understand the differences between both coding methods in the tabulated form below:


Regular coding

Low-level coding

Skillset requirement

Technical expertise is required

Little to no coding is required

Cost of development



Time of development

Take months to go live

Launches in days


Runs on one OS only

Multiplatform apps

Security & Privacy

Risky & Complicated

Up-to-date, built-in security

Enterprise application integration

Limited integration capabilities

Fast and seamless integrations

Application updates & maintenance

Requires dedicated labour

Automatic upgrades


Monolithic, complex codebase

Modular, highly scalable codebase


Separate cost and effort required

Built-in support


5. Real-World examples of low-code development

Low-code application development approaches and platforms opened a new way to develop software applications, whether we talk about web apps, mobile apps, or websites. The traditional way of developing software is a bit tedious task, but the evolution of new tech changes the way of development and coding. As per the source, 65% of the development occur because of this low-code development in 2024. Here are some of the real-world examples of these low-code platforms:

6. Conclusion

In a nutshell, I would say that low code is the future of software development whether it’s a web app, mobile app, or of website. From the departmental level to any type of business sector, this low code is widely used. As these low-code platforms are helping entire organizations in plenty of ways globally that have changed the ways of solving business problems. It cut down the costs of development, hiring special developers, and even the time of development as compared to the traditional way of coding.

As Gartner, in coming years, 70% of the software will be developed using this low-code and no-code development way of coding method and platforms. And as per MX Mendix, 70% of the people having no experience in development will learn low code in 1 month. So, this low-code and no-code technology is the best approach and option for businesses and IT to adopt for a better future.


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