Why Low Code is not enough for today’s companies??? The Zero Code Approach: A new way to build Software Applications

 Why Low Code is not enough for today’s companies??? The Zero Code Approach: A new way to build Software Applications


1. Introduction:

“The future of coding is no coding at all.” - Chris Wanstrath, CEO at GitHub.


The no-code development approach is an umbrella term for many different ways of doing things. Whether you're building apps, websites, or anything else, there several tools out there that can help you build your product without writing any code. The no-code approach also means you don't need any programming skills to start. In fact, you don't even need to learn how to code at all!

The Zero Code Approach is a new approach to application development. It eliminates the need for custom programming and focuses on the services and business logic that are most relevant to the customer. If you're like most people, you probably think that the "low code to no code approach" is some kind of crazy new fad diet. But it's a pretty sensible way to build software applications.

The idea is simple: instead of writing code from scratch, you use pre-built components that can be easily assembled into a working app. This means less coding for you (or your team) and faster results. Of course, there are trade-offs. Low-code to no-code solutions may not be as flexible as custom-built apps and may not scale. But for many organizations, the benefits outweigh the costs. So what is the low code to no code approach? It's a way to build software applications using pre-built components instead of writing code from scratch. Both platforms are close to each other as the main purpose is to develop the software application. This can lead to faster results and less coding for you or your team.

2. What is a No-Code Approach?

It is a software development approach where the software developers do not code, but instead, use tools to build and deliver user interfaces. This means that the software developers are not responsible for building the application or code but instead rely on tools that are provided by the platform.

This can be done in several ways, but most commonly it uses drag-and-drop web applications (DWA), which are ones rebuilt with HTML5 and JavaScript. These types of applications have been around for quite some time now and there are numerous examples of them being used by both small and large companies alike.

The main benefit of this approach is that it allows for a much faster deployment cycle than traditional software development methods because it does not require any coding whatsoever. It also allows businesses to focus more on their core business rather than spend time writing code to create their product or service.

3. Warning Signs

Many companies are switching from low-code to no-code approaches. There are several reasons for this. The most common reason is that the company wants to use the latest technology, and no code seems to fit their business needs better. Many warning signs indicate when a company is shifting from low code to no code. A few examples:

· Your software is still written in Java, C++, or .NET

· Your team still struggles with organizing their source code into projects and classes

· You still need to write unit tests to verify the correctness of your code, even though it's built-in QA

· You still use version control systems like Git or Subversion (CVS). Here are a few of the most common:



4. How No-Code approach is different from the Low-Code approach?

In no-code environments, developers are not expected to write any code. Instead, they are expected to create mock-ups of their workflows, ideas, and designs. They use those mock-ups to develop a prototype of the application which they then test against customers and make changes based on their feedback.

While, in that of low-code, the application is created interactively. The developers work with the customers to understand the business requirements and write code that meets these requirements.

The key difference between these two approaches is that no-code environments require less technical skills but require more skill to build a prototype from scratch without using any software tools (e.g., graphic design software).

In contrast, in low-code environments, developers need to be able to read and understand code as well as write it themselves. This means that they need some sort of formal training or education in software development methodology before they can become fully productive in this environment.


5. Tools and platforms used in Low Code to No Code Approach

The no code and low code movement is picking up steam. These platforms and tools allow anyone to build complex applications without a single line of code. This is perfect for people who want to create their own apps without learning to code or for businesses who want to quickly prototype an app without expensive developers.

There are many reasons why someone might want to use a no-code or low-code platform. Maybe you’re not a developer and you want to create a simple website or app. Maybe you’re a developer who wants to create a prototype quickly without spending a lot of time on coding. Or maybe you’re a business owner who wants to create a custom solution without having to hire a developer. Whatever your reasons, there are many great options available.

a. No-code development platforms

No-code development platforms are becoming increasingly popular as they allow businesses to develop applications without the need for expensive and time-consuming coding. These platforms are perfect for businesses that want to quickly develop prototypes or MVPs without the need for a large team of developers. In this article, we will explore the best no-code development platforms currently available. Here are some popular platforms for no-code that includes:

· Airtable

· Appy pie

· Glide

· Quixy

· Jotform Apps

b. Low-code development platforms

Low-code development platforms are a type of application development platform that allows for the rapid development of apps with less code than traditional development platforms. They are often used for developing apps that are not too complex. This platform is a perfect tool for developers who are looking to get started with software development quickly. With a low-code platform, users can write less code and access more features of the platform. This makes it easier to learn and use the platform. Additionally, these platforms are less expensive to purchase and maintain than other types of platforms. Some top low-code platforms are as follows:

· Visual LANSA

· Retool

· The m-Power Development Platform

· Quixy

· Creatio

6. Difference b/w no code, low code, and high code approach

When it comes to software development, there are three main approaches: no code, low code, and high code. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to choose the right one for your project. In this article, we’ll take a look at the difference between low-code, no-code, and high-code approaches.




No Code

Low Code

High Code

Type of users

For business people

Non-Technical people

Technical & high-skill people Programmers or developers

Presence of Technical Knowledge

No coding knowledge required

Although it doesn't require technical knowledge, it eventually needs a developer to complete the final tasks

Full knowledge with high technical skills


Uses the declarative programming principle; you only need to tell the system what to generate, and it will execute it

Tools for developing the app with pre-built features. But finally, the developer had to code and tweak the remaining parts

The programmer is skillful enough to design and code and finally built a complete app

Type of development process/app

Business-driven development process/standardized app

Requirement-driven development process/content-driven app

Requirement-driven development process/code-driven app


Easy to deploy than low code app as it is a standard app

Easy to deploy as drag and drop visual model is used

Deployment is complex and comparatively slow


Easy to maintain as most of them are fully managed

Easy to maintain and update

Needs a maintenance


Compatible with app, website, and cloud

Compatible with app, website, and cloud

Compatibility issue

Development Resources, time & cost

10X easy to develop, less time & cost needed, as it provides drag-n-drop service

10X easy to develop as templates are available to do so, less time and cost required

More resources, time & cost are required as it needs expert developers

7Benefits of the No-Code Approach

No code platforms are a new type of web app development approach that helps users create applications without writing code.

· No code platform is easy to use and flexible because of its drag-and-drop interface and integration capabilities.

· It lowers the barrier of entry to software development by enabling anyone to build an app with little to no experience.

· These platforms provide a faster way to develop applications compared to traditional coding.

· In addition, it also delivers lower costs since there is no need for the business or organization to hire developers for coding.

· It helps anyone create apps and websites visually. As it is no code approach which means that it abstracts the coding or we can say that it provides an abstraction coat over code and simply provides a drag-and-drop solution instead.



8Top 7 Reasons to choose No-Code for future development

No code development is a new approach to software development that enables anyone to build custom applications without writing code. This approach is becoming increasingly popular, as it enables businesses to build custom applications without the need for expensive and scarce developer resources.

· Use of Internal Resources – the very first reason to choose no code is that it provides an ease to use internal resources, instead of the organization, outsourcing the services or any external resource.

· Quick Response to Change Management – using the no-code approach, the user can easily change or customize things according to the requirements of the application.

· Fast Delivery of Applications – because of using no-code development, the time of delivering the application is cut down. The software product developed in two months takes approximately a week using no-code development.

· Lower the cost of ownership – one can save a considerable amount of money using no-code development. As the data is stored on the secure cloud so you don’t need to buy servers for that.

· Lower risk and higher ROI – compared with traditional development in which the developers have to deal with the application development challenges, but, in the situation of no-code development, it is not the case. As it delivers the drag-n-drop feature which reduces the risk of challenges, hence increasing the ROI that is return on investment.

· Easier learning curve – the design is easy to use with a high learnability level.

· Future-proof technology – with the advancement in day-to-day new technologies, people tend to move towards no code development as it is easiest in all respects. According to Google, it’s a future-proof technology. Hence, the application that you create will be future-proof.


We respect our customers, we speak the truth, share knowledge and learn from one another. We know that low code is not enough for companies of today and tomorrow. Low code can lead to great results but there is no perfect solution. That’s why we are committed to delivering continuous innovation in the world of No code. Angel Code – OpenFocus.

This type of technology is enabling more people and companies to create software without learning how programming works. While many organizations still operate in low-code environments and prefer a no-code approach, this is changing, especially as the world becomes more reliant on technology. Since these tech companies are leading the no-code revolution and their software is so crucial to businesses today, it suggests that the future for no-code approaches might be brighter than most people think.

In the article, it has been formulated clearly that the future of No code will not be based just on software development. In the IT industry, there are other areas to deliver digital products and solutions. It will not remain effective as deployment technologies only but continue its invasion in digital assets management through low code technology. In addition, the question is also highlighted on open research questions from the success factors of No code.

Low-code tools can accelerate projects, but without governance and direction by developers, they also accelerate the creation of bugs and technical debt.



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